Műszaki paraméterek:
Méret: W: 178cm ; D: 45cm ; H: 50cm. Weight: 88 kg.
Photovoltaic modules
Monocrystalline / Total power: 110W
Battery pack
Type: AGM / Capacity: 72Ah
USB charging
Number of ports: 2
Power (per port): 5W (1A)
Other: short circuit protection, LED light
Vezeték nélküli töltés
Áram: 10W / Hatékonyság: 70%-ig
Internet technológia
4G LTE / Speed: up to 150Mbps / Range: 4 - 20 meters
Other: custom SSID, user and web page restriction, custom homepage...
Hőmérséklet (-45°C, +60°C)
Páratartalom (0% - 100%)
Device charging counters (cable and wireless)
Energy production & consumption
Internet connections counter & data traffic usage
Battery status
Esőérzékelő - powers the bench off in case of heavy rain
System sensor - analyzes every device inside the bench
Típusa: léghűtés / Ventilátorok száma: 4
Air flow: 370 m3/h
Temperature trigger: 35°C
Ambient light
Range: 2 meters
Color: White
AC grid connector
Supply voltage: 230V AC / Power: 150W